With the rib assembly done, we turn our attention to the back. The back is made from some very nice Bosnian maple that was cut approximately 15 years ago. The first step is to plane a perfect joint and join the two pieces.

Next we use the rib assembly to trace the outline for the back on the joined maple and then cut it out.

Next, we establish a platform for the installation of the purfling. To do this, we make platform about 5 mm thick and 9 mm wide all around the instrument. At this point we finish the outline to perfectly match the rib assembly with about 2.5 mm overhang all around.

With the platform established, we cut a purfling channel all around the instrument. Pieces of purfling are bent and inlayed into the channel. The picture below shows half of the purfling installed.

To finish this stage, we just need to install the other half of the purfling. Now we move on to completing the arching of the outside of the back.